this lovely lounging lady is how i picture all you stay at home moms that sent all your kids off to school today.
this is not me.
i am feeling a bit witchy tonight.
i do actually like halloween.
i even dress up and go trick or treating.
but my current witchy disposition has nothing to do with the holiday.
it was a day that will replay itself in my mind over and over and possibly convince me to change careers.
so i have your attention. . .
bedlam and mayhem
our little cat 4 months old comes down stairs at the end of my afternoon preschool class. one little boy is absolutely petrified of animals. (this i did not know this being our first day) he sees the cat and actually goes rigid and stops breathing for a minute. it was horrible. just two hours before his mother was showing me how to administer his epipin just in case he is exposed to any nuts.
the resulting mayhem was me trying to catch the cat, get rid of the cat, console the little boy, and round up the rest of the little boys who were having a fistfight over the plastic spatula that came with the plastic BBQ. (battery powered sounds every time you push the button. curses!!)
needless to say deep yoga breathing isn't cutting it tonight.
wow. that story gets better everytime i hear it. i mean it. it does.
you should see what happens at high school. you'd want to hug all those little kids and say "what wonderful children you are!"
(lovin the voice mom)
Oh, what a day!!! My day was not quite as crazy but almost..... fifteen syllables to sign, going to Walmart at 9:30 p.m. for school supplies, cleaning the church after our friends reception until midnight, then washing uniforms for Brig's game. Oh yah, I did get five minutes peace before Gracee and her friend spilled Gesso on the deck while painting their puppet theatre.
Here is to the first day of school and wonderful people who teach and nurture children instead of sitting on the couch eating bon bons..........or in our case having emaculate houses and meeting friends for lunch to speak about their decorating crisis...
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