can you even imagine getting this package in the mail? hosting the tiny book swap was absolutely amazing! every day as a new package would arrive filled with tiny books for the swap i couldn't believe how lovely each one was. my mailman seriously thought something was up, the packages just kept arriving...
one weekend we got out our big banquet tables and lined up the wallpaper envelopes i made and my family helped me divide up all the books and package them up to be mailed. i had to drag this huge box to the post office.

we ended up with two extra packages of tiny books from the swap so everyone agreed we would love to donate them to rebecca sower to be auctioned off for haiti. i have been so impressed with all the work she has done to help us contribute to relief efforts. you can bid on them here and see more lovely photographs of our project.
what a beautiful gift combined from each of the artists, another reminder that together we can accomplish great things.
xo julie

These are beautiful!! Thank you for sharing... I am heading over to Rebecca's site...
So exciting!
Love your wonderland garland, too~
They look absolutely gorgeous! And what a fabulous idea to donate to the Haiti fund. So wish I had participated. I'll be looking out for your next swap.
This was such a WONDERFUL swap...love the idea of donating to the Haiti fund! Happy Wednesday!!
:) Connie
how wonderful - wish 'd sen it earlier & joined in !
Thank you Julie... this whole lovely idea began in your sweet mind! You did a fabulous job! xo J
What a fantastic idea! A very creative way to help people in need. Thanks for the inspiration.
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