It was such a wonderful couple of days at Art and Soul in Portland! I am unpacked and settling in to my life again. I want so much to have a bit more time to experiment with what I learned. I am so glad I took some photographs of the works in progress! Even though I was frustrated dragging my big camera around. The nice tiny sony hit the cement and it was changed forever. alas.
Day 1 was my class with Carla Sonheim. You can see more of her work and see a link to her blog and etsy here:
She is a wonderful person and amazing artist. I learned more in this class than any other. We made a book about our kids and practiced drawing and painting. Carla layers marker, gesso, acrylics, watercolors, twig charcoal, and pen.
It was facinating to try her style and incorporate it all together.
Here is the cover open in the middle of the steps. I really didn't think I could pull it together. It looks so ugly at this stage, but the photo gives you an idea of the ordering of layers. We were painting on canvas paper for the cover.

For the inside pages we practiced several types of drawing: one line drawings, sketching without looking, and drawing with our left hand. This page of Burke I was especially happy with. Both the colors and the image carved into the paint.

Oh, my word....this is the coolest art thing i've seen for a while. You have to teach me this technique. It really does look like Burke.
burke burke burke, lay off the green koolaid man. but really i like it alot. its very simple, but cute. maybe too CUTE! for my taste, but i can definately appreciate it! mmmm.... chocolate is goooooood. night mom!!!
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