(hey, did you notice baby ella got a make-over? thanks lorraine, just love the new background!)!)
i was shopping on amazon a bit ago and found this darling book little birds. the tiny chick on the cover was enough to make me order the book on the spot....i just had to make one of these little wool chicks by margaret oomen.

baby bird ella is the first little wool birdie i have sewn from the book. something weird is up with the pattern in the book i think. the first body i sewed from the pattern was really too small. i had to enlarge the body and beak, to look like the photo. i made the tail a bit bigger and scalloped the end and added little glass bead eyes with embroidered eyelashes... i used these vintage pipe cleaners that stephanie sent me for the legs instead of wrapping wire with torn fabric. its so fun to shape the little feet so they look like they are ready to take a tiny step. this little bird really was so much fun to sew, and used such a tiny piece of wool! a great take along project to hand sew while you are waiting somewhere.

i used a sweet little girls cotton shirt for the wings and tail. i decided to stitch around the wings and then stuff them with a bit of stuffing and then stitch through it all for some definition on the wing.
there are some other great projects in the book i can't wait to try:
the stork mobile by amy adams would be such a fun baby gift

this little birdhouse by abigail brown is such a wonderful idea. just browsing her website creature textiles was incredible.

and i love 'mildred and the baguette' by samantha cotterill.... her etsy shop mummysam is one of my favorites!

samantha has a new book out 'fanciful felties' that is on my new book wishlist after i have had some fun with this one first.

here's the back cover of little birds with more fun images to get you thinking about sewing again.

happy monday all, julie

so so precious! love it all. I have looked at that book several times, maybe I will find it on clearence someday..
OH MY! How adorable is that? I can not start another project yet....I can not start another project yet...I can not...oh darn I know I'm in trouble here LOL!
Your version of the little birdie is gawjus! and thanks for the review on the book too, it's now on my wishlist!
So cute! I also love the owl and the peacock? on the back cover. Looks like a fun book.
I am sooooo tempted by both books x
Oh my, I got this adorable book about two months ago but haven't tested it out yet...your adorable bird makes me want to dig out my fabric and get started...on that cute blue peacock. Rachel
That chick is so darling (and I kind of fancy the name you gave it, too)!
Oh my gosh! These are too stinkin cute! I would want to make them all :) thanks for sharing, xoxo
I bought the same book for the same reason. :) I think I like your little bird even better than the one on the cover!
What a great idea for the spring season! very sweet Julie, thanks for sharing...
I almost bought this book on Saturday! Now I wish I had!
so wonderful.....as ALWAYS!
Your bird is really adorable!
your little bird turned out so sweet julie!
that book is wonderful! i look at it all the time-- haven't got one for myself. yet.
I so love how cute Ella is! She would look sweet at a baby shower or for a girly birthday party~
i love, love these little birds~ thank you for sharing and for the inspiration. lovely blog....
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