last february at the art nest candice brought a lovely blue finch dishtowel from anthropologie to hang in the kitchen. it was so pretty and reminded me of the nest so i bought one, for $18.00.

every time one of the boys wiped up spilled oatmeal with it i cringed and considered threatening physical discomfort....
then i found this great vintage daisy tablecloth at a thrift store for $2.00 and i thought why not make a whole drawerful of little pom pom dishtowels!
here is the pile of stuff i gathered from my stash:
vintage daisy tablecloth, pom poms, ball of trim i took off another tablecloth, embroidery threads, bird image.

step 1. cut or tear your tablecloth so it measures 27 inches long by 22 inches wide. don't cut off the selvage edges or tablecloth hems, i just used what was already there and added to it. cut your rectangle around stains and holes.
step 2. copy a bird image onto a page of Avery t-shirt transfer paper then iron it onto a piece of fabric. i chose this this lovely sheer hankie as i liked how the daisies on the tablecloth showed through just a bit.

step 3. hem the edges of your dishtowel by ironing the edges under 1/4 inch, then roll that over and iron. stitch along the folds. i added a little seam binding loop as i was hemming the edges. less bulk than a tablecloth strip i thought. plus a great way to add some surprise color.

step 4. fold under the bottom edge and sew the pom pom trim on using two lines of stitching to secure.

step 5. fold your dishtowel like you will to hang it to figure out where you want to sew your bird image. pin in place.

step 6. use embroidery thread and sew little x's around the outside, french knots, and running stitches to outline the leaves.

won't these pretty glasses look great with my new dishtowel?

i will have to do a part 2 titled 'all from one tablecloth' as i have a feeling i will keep right on sewing with this great fabric. mama magpie posted on her blog today about making a beautiful laundry sorter with her old tablecloth.
i hope you dig out one of your vintage linens and make something happy this week, julie
Julie - this is beautiful...I too have 3 sets of grubby little hands to worry about but I think it would be much easier to make them myself...great idea. Thanks for hosting this great Thursday project...I love having something to look forward too...
This is such a lovely dish towel. Great idea to re-use the thrift store tablecloth for this project.
I love this project. I am so into birds right now. I use them in a lot of my projects. Thanks for the wonderful idea.
Love the pom pom fringe and the embroidery stitches.
Sweet! I just saw those glasses at World Market-Love them!
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Wonderful idea! Thanks for showing us how to recycle pretty old linens.
Wow! I would be just as concerned about the handmade dishtowels being used. They are gorgeous. I love your style!
So pretty Julie!-Lilia
Hi Julie - such a great idea! My daughter is planning a shopping trip to Anthropologie next weekend and one of the bird dishtowels was on my list of things to get for me. Now that I've seen yours (and I have an old tablecloth that has already been cut up to make an apron) I'm going to use the rest of the material and make a dishtowel :-) Yours turned out fabulous! I love the colours and pom pom trim makes it ♥ Found your blog recently through Jen @ the cottage nest and love it! Looking forward to stopping by again.
I love the blue finch towel!!!! I'd cringe if it got used, too!
I love the color combos...I just
received the Pottery Barn catalog, lots of inspiration, similar colors.
I love your idea and will try it!
I have found a few table cloths that
would be great to use. Thanks so much for sharing. I'm really enjoying your Artful Thursdays!
Don't stop posting such themes. I like to read blogs like that. BTW add more pics :)
Ooh that is beautiful! I love the pom pom edge. Thanks so much for sharing this, I'll be linking.
Julie-- I am so happy I had the pleasure of seeing this in person. Love that you are blogging again, everything is so lovely.
Just found your blog and am going to stay and vist for a while.
Love the towels.
so funny Julie- I have those glasses and a sweet friend gave me that same fun dish towel- my husband caught mine on fire!
I loved your tutorial- such a fun thing to sew up on these cold wintery days.
oo how wonderful!! i love this! you are the best! i think this would be a fabulous gift!
Good brief and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you on your information.
My friend and I were recently discussing about how we as human beings are so hooked onto electronics. Reading this post makes me think back to that debate we had, and just how inseparable from electronics we have all become.
I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Ethical concerns aside... I just hope that as the price of memory decreases, the possibility of uploading our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's a fantasy that I dream about almost every day.
(Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=http://quizilla.teennick.com/stories/16129580/does-the-r4-or-r4i-work-with-the-new-ds]R4[/url] DS OperaMod)
Easily I to but I think the brief should secure more info then it has.
What a great idea! I love it. I also love those green tones.
I truly believe that we have reached the point where technology has become one with our world, and I am fairly confident when I say that we have passed the point of no return in our relationship with technology.
I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Ethical concerns aside... I just hope that as memory gets cheaper, the possibility of downloading our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's one of the things I really wish I could encounter in my lifetime.
(Posted using KU2 for R4i Nintendo DS.)
Ah, This is exactly what I was looking for! Clarifies
many contradictions I've read
Ah, This is perfect! Clears up
many contradictions I've been hearing.
Ah, This is spot on! Puts to bed
some contradictions I've seen
The birdy inspirations are very beautiful and I love the blue ball tipped lace to make a sweet ending edge to the beautiful tablecloth.
what a great idea! and seriously, who doesn't secretly love pom-pom fringe...
Splendidly done is better than well said.
i love this towel... very beautiful its even better than the antropologie one :)
I love all the colors. You're so talented! Prettiest table covers ever. The green is to die for :)
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