with two redheaded daughters, an irish gypsy as one of my long ago granmothers, and a love of the sea and all things green is it any wonder that i fell for these lucky little leprechans?
this morning was quite the flurry as i added a final dusting of green glitter to 10 tiny fingernails, served up neon green pancakes (mom these pancakes look scary!),
and posted a few more green things in my shop all by 8:30.
tomorrow i am teaching a reduce, reuse, recycle class. totally going green here in many different ways. thinking about the all green salad the hubby suggested for dinner....

the irish gold petite art kit i listed in my shop for march with some other green goodies. fern wool button cards, the new vintage green paper packs, shamrock wool bundle, and an 'i grow things' crepe paper flower kit. hope you are feelin the green today, julie

If the proof is in the packaging then you are tops. Your little lovelies on Etsy are wonderful. I love little things and you make them so special.
I knew there had to be a gypsy in there somewhere...the hair gives it away! My kids were scared of my green pancakes as well! Awesome goodies...everything looks awesome and inviting and inspiring. Love you!
hi julie !! thanks so much for sending my ring back , it was like a gift !! your such a sweetheart !!! love the new goodies as always and how you incorporated your art on the tag!
thanks so much again !!
big hugs,
i appreciate the beautiful simplicity of your work so much...it's just lovely and inspiring:)
Love your style!
from one Irish lass to another;)
do you have any more irish gold petite art kit's left for sale?
WONDERFUL things!!!! I'm off to Etsy!
PS: I am/was a red headed Irish girl too! One side of the family Gillespie, the other Caldecoat.
Blessings ~ Eileen @ Star's Fault
I was so excited to get my little package upon returning from vegas this week. I love the fabric! After I read this post I ran out to the local good will to snag all the old jackets and skirts. Your pictures and cute little things are so inspiring!
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