for those of you who have been packed for days with the supplies for each class in zip lock bags and your trades beautifully packaged with ribbons in a lovely handmade bag you do not need to read this post. . .
my day will go as follows:
* call and ring nancy my gym buddie at 4:45am to let her know i won't be going to the gym this morning as i stayed up till 1:30 am getting my trades ready to go
* get the kids off to school, sort and start the wash, load the dishwasher, vacuum the whole house, make bed, shower, get dressed and ready for errands.
* call karen my mary kay gal and order lipstick and powder (i'm all out and she delivers!)
* take livi with me to the bank and to take grandma to the doctors.
* have lunch at the care center with grandma then take livi to kindergarten.
* stop off at the pharmacy, pick up mail and papers.
* head home and print out my supply lists for my classes
* more laundry
* start packing supplies in my art suitcase
* make something yummy for dinner for sweet hubby who will be taking care of everything while i am gone (including cat about to deliver kittens and our four baby chicks 10 days old)
* keep working on laundry, wash favorite jeans and hang out to dry
* call candice to get her list of stuff to bring.
* call candice again and ask her what else i should bring.
* fret over the supplies i have packed for my classes stuff in a bit more stuff. . . repeat as needed.
* have dinner with the family
* send my teenager out to get gas in the car and load me some new tunes on my ipod
* check-in online and confirm car reservations
* homework and stories then tuck into bed for prayers
* more laundry
* start packing clothes and go over list one more time.
i won't be able to sleep much i am afraid i am so excited.
it seems like such a crazy day i know, but i haven't known if i would be able to go and it seemed pointless to start packing if i would be staying home.
grandma has been back and forth to the doctors and the emergency room several times in the last two weeks. grandpa passed away at christmas and she has been so lonely without him. she finally decided she could not live on her own any more and we found a wonderful assisted living center for her that she moved into on saturday. it has been heartbreaking for us all. she is settled now in her new room and we had lunch today with her and it was delicious. i feel like she will be in such good hands. it will actually be a wonderful feeling to lift off in the plane over the clouds and go to the sea where the ocean can wash over me and heal my heart.

these are the stickers marina made for us to give away with our trade, super cute!
so if you see me at artfest and want one of these crazy retro mushroom packs candice and i are making come on over! we'll be making chipolte chili brownies in our house at night, staying up late making art, walking along the ocean early in the morning, in the early sun, and enjoying the company of so many amazing artists.
xo julie
LOVE the mushroom...and the stickers are adorable...i want! ;)
Oh how I wish I was going too! I laughed when reading your description of getting ready. Too funny.
I hope you have as great a time at ArtFest as we all had at The Art Nest. you two deserve a great get away! May safe travels, good times, and creativity surround you!
Oh my gosh, don't forget to pack me in your suitcase also. I do so wish I could go!
Have fun!
Crazy schedule!! Sounds familiar. I've been peeking in at your blog for awhile now...someday I truly hope I can join you amazing women artists at Art Nest, or ArtFest! Sounds like a blast - but for now, I'll have to settle for church girls camp. :) Happy trails -
I love the visual of you and Candice walking along the beach. I hope you both are nurtured, inspired and full of joy on your retreat into creativity and away from laundry.
Wow! And here this whole time I was feeling busy. I hope you have an absolute blast!!
I am very curious about the chipolte brownies. (reminds me of the movie Chocolate)
much love in the direction your plane is going,
I just had to tell you how much I love your blog. It's so great. Super pictures of all the different art projects. I'm 12 and I just started a site on ETSY for my handmade jewelry and a blog about my work. I'll be back for more inspiration. Cambria
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