i look so forward to december every year. christmas has to be one of my favorite holidays. i love the vintage holiday ornaments and christmas lights covered in snow. it seems we are always baking something together and my studio becomes littered with scaps of wrapping. there are secrets in the air and the tree smells so good. we make hot cocoa and sit by the tree waiting for that special night. now that i won't spoil the surprise here is what we sent my sister kris in florida.
the santa cup is only 2 inches tall and says 10 cents made in japan. tapegirl painted the merry monster and the snow bunny in the top photo. she has a new blog up--i know i'm going to love it!
i made the vintage stars for the ornament i gave away this year.
tomorrow i am taking down the tree and all the decorations. i guess i will pack away the tinsel and garland. school starts already on wednesday.
looking forward to december next year this is my calendar page for december 2008.

i'll link up the other months as the gals post them. we get to see the whole thing at our January art group. cant wait!

and here are a couple more pages that i made for my nostalgic book of days.

time to say goodbye to the chex mix and dark chocolate orange sticks, sleeping in and staying up way too late! we are planning on making tempura veggies tomorrow night to welcome the new year. i hope you are planning some wonderful festivities for tomorrow.
happy, happy, julie
Hi there. Found you through Flickr. Just wanted to say i love your work.
hey! thats a super cute gnome! i love him! what a cute book, your so cool! i dont know how you do it! oh wait... i guess i do. :)
Julie, I hope you and your family have a fantastic New Years! Your Christmas book is so pretty, your work never ceases to amaze me!
I just love all your stuff Julie. That calendar is going to be beautiful!
thanks for all the wonderful inspiration over the year...
happy new year!!
Hi Julie,
I'm sad to be putting the lights and egg nog away, too. I've loved looking at all of your sparkly Christmas magic though! Happy New Year!
All of your new pages are lovely! The calendar is especially stunning. I love the yummy colors!
Love these Christmasy-Wintery pages.
This is my first visit to your blog and I so enjoyed myself.
your art is so very wonderfully whimsical and the colors are just beautiful!
i am very glad that i found your blog!
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