so either this is going to be the longest post ever and you won't be able to scroll all the way down, or i will wear out and not post every single favorite photo i took at
artfest this past weekend and have to add some later.
i am still just floating after such an amazing weekend in port townsend attending artfest with
teesha and tracy moore.it was an outstanding event and i absolutely loved it!!
everything was green and wet with rain, the trees had burst into bloom and the sea was rolling grey up on the sand. it was a feast for the senses. candice and i stayed in one of the officers houses with kecia and jenn from the last art nest. the big old house had radiators that creaked and whistled in the night. a huge built in cabinet in the dining room held all the dishes and a tiny little bathroom had a bit of a shower that dribbled out hot or cold water depending on your luck. it was charming and perfect.

candice and i took all three classes together and we were absolutely delighted to meet
annie lockhart our first teacher. a kind soul filled with grace and beauty. i felt as if i had just found out i had another sister. such laughter and emotion in her class. the pieces everyone created were stunning.
i don't really like wall hangings so i created a little book that opened to a tiny porcelain doll nestled in a frame filled with the inside of an old quilt. the colors of cream and silver were especially restful to me and i enjoyed so much putting all the little pieces together.

here is the piece
candice created. she used an old canvas fishing bag as the base and glued an old photo frame on top. the pod of pearls and the wrapped dried daffodils were the last things she glued on.

it was so fun to meet and sit next to
liz lamoreux here with annie.

nina's class gatherings was on the second day. at my first art retreat ever i took a class with nina and have been drawn to her work ever since. the raw beauty of nature encased within the pages of her books and wrapped about with wire in her jewelry has always felt like magic to me. our class was filled with amazing artists, it was spectacular to walk around and look at what each person was doing. i got to meet
cori kindred for the first time and adored her little paper clay
mushroom she put in one of her little frames.

here is candice and nina with the little silver spoon that went on candices book. sort of the before and after shots of the spoon.

my cover is titled uplifted voices. here are the two pieces i finished. i have left the ribbon long to the left so i could attach the back cover when i had it designed. i am going to leave the inside pages loose and just tie them all together.
lisa and
renee after making our book covers. renee used lovely old sewing pieces to go in her frames and they took my breath away.

our last day of classes we took wallpaper people with
anahata. i was totally intimidated to work on a 6 foot panel of paper and almost dreaded the challenge. i kept trying to talk myself into making a mini wallpaper person. i took anahata's symbolic icons class in february at the nest so i did know i would be in good hands and i went for it!
here is anahata working on her class piece--isn't it the best!

anahata has the gift of being an incredible, intuitive artist, and a fabulous teacher able to encourage each artist to produce their best work. it is a rare and fantastic combination. here are the two wallpaper people candice and i made. her handsome man and my girl with the songbird throat and the universe inside her.

kecia's wallpaper person

i had such a wonderful time connecting with friends far and wide.
cassondra came over for chipolte brownines one night and after some spooky ghost stories i took her back to the dorms.

darling jenn and candice one morning just coming back from a run.
michelle and i on the steps to our house sunday morning before driving home.

vendors night was shopping mayhem. fabulous original art from all over the globe. so much inspiration it was hard to take it all in. this picture is of
annie lockhart and all her gorgeous things at her table. i bought a beautiful piece by
katie kendrick that i am just thrilled with, i wish i knew the name of the piece. . .

and two very cool zines that
theo ellsworth put together. i just knew my kids would dig his style. i was right on. . . this is the inside cover to capacity #7 titled 'a witch's bedtime story' my total favorite!!

show and tell night was overwhelming, so much art everywhere! here is a piece by michelle allen that i just adored.
i don't even know who she is, if anyone does please help me find her.

and here are tracy moores journals. i loved the four of them together, so manly!

i flew home with candice after it was all over and we talked and talked on the plane about all the wonderful experiences we had at artfest. i am doing a whole journal page titled 'you know you are a hick when. . .' just to document all the funny things we got ourselves into. (the man-kilt store in seattle for one)
today i am still bubbling over with the energy of it all, wonderous.
xo julie