there is quite a bit of pink going on right now, must be because everything is blooming pink outside today. this is the beautiful flower that adorned the box cassondra sent her spring secrets books in. inside were five boxes shaped like books that fit inside the main box. so charming!
the size of the tiny pages was absolutely so fun! here are a couple of the little pages i made. they look a bit like tall ATC cards, very fun to make and satisfying to flip through.

melissa tagged me with 7 random things. i have just laughed at a few of these, so here it goes:
1. i love to cook. i make zuccini feta pancakes with sour cream mint sauce, cinnamon rolls with pecans and cream cheese frosting, sweet corn tomales with green chile tomatillo sauce, and hand dipped apricot amarreto chocolates but i have never made a decent roast. i keep trying.
2. i drive like a new yorker. i lived just outside new york city for a year as a nanny and every weekend i would drive a VW bus into the city. i learned in a hurry if you miss the only exit to the bridge you are in big trouble. i even successfully navigated a miniature rental car around the eleven lane round about in paris at the Arc de Triomphe.
3. i am not afraid of bugs. i actually have a wonderful collection of them. one day out running i came across a particularly big beetle crossing the road and i put him in a paper coke cup, folded down the top and tucked the cup in my shorts and finished my run. i have found beside the road dragonfly wings, little nests soaked with rain, seed pods poking through the fence, and acorns of every size. i am worse than my kids at packing things home.

4. i listen to very loud rock and roll music when i clean the house thus making me an easy target for a sneak attack if you come up behind me when i am singing and vacuuming in my own little world.
5. i have a collection of tiny bottles filled with sand from all the places i have been. dark grainy sand from the oregon shore, soft, fine sand from florida, bright white coral sand from belize, pale grey chalky sand from the coast of france, and dark orange powdery sand from southern utah. it is a reminder of all our journeys together.
6. i am a sucker for vintage office supplies. i never pass up a box of dennisons gummed labels or stars. love the little worn cardboard boxes.

7. i can't sleep in. curses! i try, but it seems my eyes just open at 5:30am after 18 years of getting up to go running in the morning. i actually love the quiet of my house before anyone else is awake.
oh and i tag candice (post something for the sparrow), batgirl, sherri, candace the crotchet girl, and girl kris.
What adorable little cards. I love the sewing. You are an amazing adventurous person, You forgot the other thing..........a softie for homeless, criple animals and baby kitties, oh and little three year olds pulling on your apron begging for Miss Julie to dance.....
Almost over... enjoy your last day and give yourself a pat on the back for finishing another year!!!!!
tagged! that means i have to update my blog! i will do it tomorrow....
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