Thursday, December 30

a year in pictures.....all my 2010 artful thursday tutorials

#1 artful thursdays challenge and flower clip tutorial
it all started here with this flower clip and this button:

i have been planning all year for this post...i have imagined how it would look with the photos from all of my artful thursday projects together. i can't quite believe it looking back, it has been a wonderful, artful year. i'm a bit sad it is over as i haven't thought of what to do this year yet...

a huge thank you and congratulations to each of the artists that have participated with me all year. i have enjoyed so much your lovely photos and ideas and especially your encouragement to keep going.

some things i have learned about embarking on a year long creative project:
1. it is a huge commitment that lasts well, a whole year.
2. i felt accountable for showing up and doing just what i said i would. i didn't post every week but i decided that was ok. my goal was to 'pick a project i have been wanting to try or an idea that has been patiently waiting for just the right time and do it' looking back over each of the projects i did do just that.
3. some weeks were wonderful, i had an idea all lined up i was excited about and the photographs tuned out and i got it posted on thursday--best case scenerio. other weeks i was too busy, couldn't figure out what to do, had a messy house that needed cleaning and laundry to do or i just needed a break. these were the weeks i either pulled off something wowie at the last minute, or felt like a flake and didn't post anything. but the key is i moved on to the next week and another thursday.
4. it feels great to have given something of my own to the art community that has so patiently 'raised' me over the years. thank you for your notes and emails about the projects you created after reading my posts.

artful thursdays #14.....zipper purse tutorial

everyone's favorite tutorial was the zipper purses, i just bought 2 bags of vintage metal zippers at the thrift store yesterday...time for me to get sewing :)

artful thursdays #8.....nut cup easter basket tutorial

my favorite tutorial was the little nut cup easter baskets, something about those little chenille chicks get me every time.
but the best thing was the tiny book swap. i still can't believe all the little books that were mailed my way, the look on my mailmans face as he brought them all up to the door, and opening each package up to the surprise inside. i remember how wonderful it felt to auction off 2 complete sets of tiny books in their handmade envelope and sending the money to Haiti right after the terrible earthquake.

well, here they all are starting with the first one last january and my original challenge. i hope you have enjoyed the journey with me. i would love to know which one was your favorite! happy new year wishes, julie

birthday wishes....artful thursdays #2 tiny book tutorial

vintage tablecloth dishtowel....artful thursday #3 tutorial

my heart..... artful thursdays #4 valentine envelope tutorial

love birds....artful thursday #5 paper collage tutorial

vintage velvet heart.....artful thursday #6 tutorial

artful thursdays it note mailing labels tutorial

artful thursdays #9.....wonderland paper banner tutorial

artful thursdays #10....paper mache egg tutorial

artful thursdays #11.....stuffie bunny tutorial

artful thursdays #12.....a tiny spring nest tutorial

artful thursdays #13....vintage wrist corsage tutorial

artful thursdays kitty paper doll tutorial

artful thursdays #16.....paper clay bird tutorial

artful thursdays #17.....wire bird cage tutorial

artful thursdays #18.....a little art nesting

artful thursdays #19....crochet flower tutorial

artful thursdays #20....framing tutorial

artful thursdays #21....sewn tag tutorial

artful thursdays #22....cupcake envelope book tutorial

artful thursdays #23....emilee the tiny stuffed kitty tutorial

artful thursdays #24....easy no-sew embroidered button tutorial

artful thursdays #25....halloween witch tutorial

artful thursdays #26....halloween cat tutorial and adopt dolores...

artful thursdays #27....bottle brush wreath make-over tutorial

Thursday, December 16

Holly Kitty and Christmas greetings from Utah Artful Gatherings.....

this year as our art group met for the our annual holiday retreat we decided instead of making gifts for each other we would create a holiday tree and donate it to the Christmas Box House. we also decorated christmas kitties that are now up for auction on Lorraine's blog. she will be taking bids for all 10 kitties until saturday night. go take a peek, they will be shipped on monday and arrive in time for christmas. the best part is 100% of the donations will be sent to the Haiti Gospel Mission. i feel overwhelmed and grateful to have been a part of the beauty and blessings we created as a group of like minded women that put their heads together and decided to spread some JOY!
(um, we totally had fun doing it....)

this is my holly. i had a little bundle of vintage santa crepe paper ruffles on my desk when i went to work on her and so she looks rather festive in her party skirt. she is all dressed up for her office christmas party and ready to come home with you for the holidays.

i hope each of you are enjoying a little holiday sparkle today, julie

Friday, December 3

artful thursdays #27....bottle brush wreath make-over tutorial

it is time to start december with a tutorial for the holidays i decided today...i love finding ways to make-over new items to look like vintage. my artful thursday tutorial for today will take a nasty little bottle brush wreath ornament and turn it into something lovely you will want to use....
i tied mine on this little ruffled wool stocking for a sweet holiday treat.

here is your supply list: gather together a little wreath (tacky and new is best), some tinsel, stamens, mica, narrow ribbon for a bow, and some tacky glue.

start with a package of those dark green bottle brush wreaths at the dollar store and get busy. here is a before and after shot just so you know where we are going. work with me here people.

step 1. it gets ugly, rip off the ratty red bow and the gold string hanger. they might be glued on with a big gob of industrial hot glue. try to pull this off and leave your little wreath intact.

step 2. lightly spray paint the little thing with some off-white or cream spray paint. just dust it a bit with little quick sprays. you just want to give it a bit of a frosty feeling without turning it all white.

step 3. if you are tying your wreath on to a stocking or using it as an ornament, attach the little string now. glue it in place using a bit of tacky glue. glue on a little nest of tinsel and a tiny bow.

step 4. add some tiny berries. i like to use little stamens cut apart. glue these in your wreath with tacky glue. i use tweezers for the tiny stamens, depending on the size of your wreath use some little red berries that will work. i have two sizes of stamens in my shop right now if you are having a time finding some small enough.

step 5. dust the top with mica. i spread the glue over the surface of the bottle bush bristles with my finger and then shake on the mica to coat it well.

thats you have the cutest ever tiny wreath to hang for the holidays. this one measures 1-1/2 inches across!

for those of you that are really adventurous, check out these darling dyed bottle brush trees by karla nathan
i haven't tried to dye them yet, but that is next on my list.

lots of the vintage bottle brush wreaths had tiny mercury glass beads on them and little candles or fruits. this pink wreathis a classic.

here are a couple more bottle brush wreath make overs to give you some more ideas. this little fat flocked wreath was very bare when i found it. i added some laquered holly leaves, a vintage tinsel ribbon off the spool, and a few mercury glass beads.

these one just needed a glittered bell.

and this one was just perfect as is. i love the little millinery flowers and the mercury glass candle. funny how many of the little red bows look a little orange after 50+ years.

enjoy, julie