Tuesday, August 3

super sale today.....

...............$...$ SUPER SALE $...$..................

i am headed back to school in 3 weeks so i am clearing out
my etsy shop today, august 3rd.

everything marked 20%-40% off. all handmade items, vintage paper goods,
crepe paper ruffles, felt zipper purses, and stamens.

***i will be listing and adding items all day tuesday, SUPER SALE DAY,
as i photograph and package things up***

have fun, julie


  1. oh i am so in-love! too bad I am broke : ( love it all!

  2. i can't resist a sale! i'm on my way over...hold the door open!

  3. Your fabulous blog is a recent discovery and since I have already looked through all of your marvelous archives I keep checking back for a new post. I hope you are coming back??? Pleaase? You are so talented!
    emily xo
