Friday, July 23

artful thursdays #23....emilee the tiny stuffed kitty tutorial

ok, so i was totally wrong about this whole summer thing...

i thought that once the long lazy summer days arrived i would have the whole day to post my artful thursdays projects and tutorials. i guess i didn't remember what summer was like having 4 kids home all day (3 teenagers!) with friends over, eating constantly, needing a ride here and there, staying up late talking and watching movies. i must have forgotten how fun it is and that i would want to be doing everything with them.

so i am giving myself a break, letting myself off the hook a bit and will just decide to be happy with posting a photo of what i am working on instead of feeling like i have to photograph and post a complete tutorial every thursday. there you go, i now have permission to have all kinds of fun these last 3 weeks before i am back teaching again and having thursdays to myself again.

it is very hot here, nearly 100 degrees every day. july really feels like a desert. it is cooler downstairs and a great place to sew. my daughter marina has been sewing a stuffed army of these little guys, i had to make one.

the supplies are so simple to make your own tiny stuffie:
a piece of cotton fabric, some stuffing, and embroidery floss. it is fun to add beads and other little bits like ribbon and a little pink balloon. dig through your stuff and use up whatever you have left over.

step 1. draw a little outline for your animal on tracing paper. everything shrinks when you stuff it so plan for a little shrinkage.

step 2. sew around your outline leaving a little opening for turning the thing inside out. cut out and tear off the tracing paper.

step 3. turn you little guy inside out and stuff with stuffing. sew the opening closed with a needle and thread

step 4. with a needle and embroidery thread sew on a nose, mouth, whiskers, add eyes or use beads with little french knots in the centers.

step 5. decorate with a collar, ribbon, balloon, birthday hat, or tiny sundress. have fun!

happy summer wishes, julie


  1. Aw, I love it!! Thanks for sharing. =)

  2. That last kitty with the bow on her ear is my favorite!

  3. Very cute Julie - I have two little neices coming to visit and a daughter in between moves that is at a loose end - I might just request she muster up a couple of these cuties! Summer should be a time to relax and you did say at the beginning of Artful Thursdays that it didn't have to be a tutorial, could just be about what captures our interest each week... although I am always grateful when you tell how!

  4. Yes give yourself a break!!! I had big creative dreams for the summer however my three kids had other things in mind!!! lol! Love the stuffed dolls:) ~Shelley O.

  5. this little kitten! I may have to try this at home :) So nice of you to show how to do this. Glad I found your blog!

  6. these stuffies are so sweet!! yes, enjoy the summer while it's still here! :) there are still so many sunshiny days left before fall and back-to-school. let's enjoy them while we can! :)

  7. These are adorable! I'm right there with you - thought I'd have tons of free time to lounge and take up my time with day-long stretches of crafting! Not with kids at home!!! But I'm still *thinking* of Artful Thursdays when the day comes 'round each week and planning....

  8. This is simply adorable!!! I could leave a comment on every single post of your beautiful blog! Everything is perfectly delightful!!....and your Flickr! WoW! I have huge cravings for cute and kawaii things, since what I make is usually very different. A real sweet and precious tooth. And your work satisfies my cravings completely!!

  9. I love it. Thank you.
    I forgot the same thing about summer, I'm so busy with the kids, I thought I'd have so much more time.
    Have fun with the kids.
    Cari B.

  10. All of us (including my 8yr old son) are squealing about this little one, fab hols project, thank you! Mx

  11. What a darling kitty! It seemed like a pretty complete tutorial to me. Enjoy the rest of your summer.

  12. Julie, I am glad you are taking it easy these last 3 weeks and enjoying time with your kids. I hope Artnest went well. I was so sad that I couldn't join you. I am hoping you will do a Winter Event. Please post some photos soon, would love to see what you did. We still need to plan that lunch!

  13. just so completely adorable!! glad to hear you're enjoying summer...and the kids...your artful thursdays are coming at the right speed for me since i always want to try whatever it is you're posting...thanks again julie.
