Saturday, February 1

pretty new colors spring collection tinsel trim...

I had this lovely tinsel trim custom made for me in these 5 gorgeous colors and couldn't wait to share a photo with you all.
brand new in the shop and on sale this week 20% off the spring collection of all 5 colors.

I tied this mercury glass candle with a piece of the pale pink tinsel so you can get an idea of how lovely the drape is. such pretty Easter colors don't you think...


  1. Hi Julie, I just received my treasures of these gorgeous tinsels....they're to die for thank you, thank you xox
    don't know now that I want to cut them and use them or put them on display lol!! Just tooooo pretty!!

  2. Thank you thank you Julie, I just received these treasures!! They're soooo preeetty, Hugs to you and thank you for posting them to me all the way to Australia xox
