Wednesday, January 13

thinking cap

i have had my thinking cap on this week. i love it when the creative ideas come faster than i know what to do with them... i am even thinking about hosting a few swaps this year. (what am i crazy?)

it must be the hat. i bought this wool felt cloche from anthropologie last month. i hated the cotton flowered band that came on it so my plan was to unpick it and sew something else in its place. when i started to take the cotton band off i found it had been hot glued in place!! the stitching must have been just for decoration. i ended up spending an hour ripping off the band and picking off all the glue. finally the hat was bare and i was able to tie around the band this piece of silk, i added a few vintage seam binding loops and then a lovely rhinestone pin yellowed with age.

now this is a hat! i wear it out in this horrid foggy weather with my vintage coat and a pair of gray gloves made in japan in the 50's that have little pearls sewn to the cuffs. sweet.


  1. Love the hat so much, Im such a hat person and would so wear this everyday at the mo, with our crappy snowy weather

  2. Sharon Bull5:19 AM

    Gorgeous hat! Your coat and gloves sound wonderful. You just can't beat vintage for style. So glad to hear you are brimming with new ideas because I love your creations.

  3. It's gorgeous, and I wanna meet you for lunch just so I can see how cute you look in that ensemble!

  4. Glue...such a disappointment. Much better now.

  5. Wow!! I absolutely love the hat. It is gorgeous and looks fantastic on you!

    p.s. Happy Birthday!

  6. I love it when creative ideas come to you too! Everything you do is so beautiful. Wish some of it flowed my way more. I bet you look fabulous in the fog!

  7. Love your hat!! Beautiful and so perfect for you!

    I have posted something for Artful Thursday on my blog and intend to do something each Thursday. So fun to spend some time creating!


  8. Swaps swaps!! Did you say swaps? Oh, please say your canadian friends can play too! Your hat looks lovely too... sorry... I got completely sidetracked on the mention of swaps!

  9. Is there anyone in the world cuter than you? I think not.

  10. Julie, I have loved your blog for awhile and your creative spirit. I would love to join Artful Thursdays and maybe a few swaps as well. Thanks for all the inspiration.

  11. Julie I love your hat! You and Marina are the queens of vintage!

  12. I love what you did with the hat! So funny- I bought one kinda similar not too long ago. What a yummy fashion piece!
