Wednesday, January 27

sweet violet valentine greeting

i usually stick to a pink and cream or red and cream palette for my valentine creations. this year i was totally inspired by this sweet postcard. it was printed in germany around 1900 on silk! it is rather stained and frayed but i tried color copying the image onto glossy cardstock and was so thrilled with the result!

this is 16 images to a page, each one is 2 1/2 inches tall and 1 1/2 inches wide.

i found this amazing vintage dennison two toned crepe paper on etsy. one side is a faded periwinkle color, the other a soft violet. i gathered it into a ruffle on my sewing machine. when you fold the ruffle in half you get to see both colors.

the tiny vintage violets were wired into a posy and pinned on a vintage hat. imagine wearing such a hat to the market.

my plan is to cut out the tiny cards and sew the ruffle to the top and bottom of the card, back it with some vintage paper i will be able to write a little note on and mail them out in a glassine envelope tied with this pale ribbon.
now i just need to find some violet colored sweets to go with it. hmm....


  1. Where do you find all your treasures? I love how you bring them all to life.

  2. Very nice!! I posted my Artful Thursday on my blog. Love your items all put together!

  3. Love the way you put things together - looking forward to seeing the finished items when you have made them.

  4. These look so pretty - thinking out of the box with that purplish color.... making me think of some vintage packaging I have stored someplace that I copied onto fabric once upon a time.

    Lavender treats - aren't Wonka chocolates wrapped in a nice color?

  5. How beautiful. Such a nice change from traditional V-day sweets! Thank you.

  6. You are inspiring me to do something Valentine-y today!

  7. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Very pretty! Love the colors, card, and gorgeous, gorgeous details!

  8. You have a wonderful eye for details! I love the non-traditional colors, still very romantic.

    I have just posted my Artful Thursday project (and sent you an email :0)

    Ciao for now!

  9. your valentines will surely be lovely!

  10. I love these colours! I think it is fabulous to mix it up and what beautiful other things you have found-divine!

  11. I love your blog! I found you through June ..who I found from the OWOH event! THan kyou for sharing the tutorials ans challenges!

  12. Thank you, Julie!!! I love your artful Thursdays!!!
