Tuesday, February 7

vintage red hearts

i found this darling little red leather heart case on etsy a few months ago. it just had my name on it....
it was made by beauty mate in west germany and held a little red handled manicure set, only one little piece is left inside. i think i want to turn it into a little needle case.
these are the new ruffles i made today. there is something just so relaxing about sewing up yards and yards of lovely red ruffles and then rolling them carefully up in a wheel of paper ruffles.

this crepe paper was made by the dennison company in the 1930's. it is a huge sheet of bricks to decorate a chimney i think. i cut the rows apart so each ruffle would have a little band of 'mortar' along the edges.

i have plans for a few more valentines to make this week, how about you?


  1. Love your heart! using the vintage brick paper this way was sheer brilliance!

  2. Beautiful photos!! This is such a fun time of the year for discovering wonderful Valentine's Day and Easter goodies!! : )

    ~ Wendy

  3. The vintage red leather heart purse is so beautiful Julie and even more with your pretty crepepaper ruffles and millinery on it, just had to pin it on my Valentin's Love inspiration board on Pinterest. I also wanted to thank you, because I got my sweet etsy order parcel from you yesterday just in time to create some more Valentine's this week :)
    Happy Valentine's day to you!
    xoxo~ Carola

  4. Hey I just wanted to let you know I featured you on Blissful and Domestic this morning. Stop by and grab a button and check it out.

    Blissful and Domestic

