Thursday, October 20

what happens when you leave all your paints out....

so i left all my paints out on the kitchen table for another day and my family couldn't resist joining me. we stayed up til past midnight all together painting...
it was even a school night! i just couldn't make everyone go to was too much fun. here is what everyone made~
i made the little owl above. it is hard to see the crackle finish on the darker colors, but i love the eyes.

my husband walked past the table several times before we just handed him a brush and he made this amazing harlequin.

olivia 9~ made this little cat and witch. she can't wait to make some more...

my high school daughter painted the creepy skeleton, isn't it fabulous!

i painted this green man also, love his striped nose.

we weren't ready to quit but i ran out of little pots to dip.
hope you are enjoying a lovely fall evening.


  1. Those are all amazing! Talented family~

  2. You have a seriously talented family! These look amazing!!!

  3. Cassondra W.11:40 AM

    These are so awesome Julie! What a great project and so many uses too! Totally agree with Diane.... your whole family is totally talented!

  4. Joni R4:45 PM

    So cute! What a great family project. I agree, your family is quite talented....

  5. Love all the spooky ornaments! What type of paint did you use? I love the sheen.

  6. They are all really beautiful, but, if you don't mind me saying it, the skeleton is the most striking. You need to do more family craft nights, your lot is an amazing bunch!
