Thursday, January 7

artful thursdays challenge and flower clip tutorial

thursdays have always been my favorite day... this year i have started a new feature on my blog. it will be titled 'artful thursdays' and will come with an open invitation for you to join me every thursday this whole year. it all started with three things:

1. i am a wonderful shopper of vintage treasures. i enjoy sifting through old grandma sewing baskets, crumbling cardboard boxes filled with old letters, and dimly lit antique stores. this has resulted in #2.
2. i am being buried alive with all my cool stuff. the carpet has surrendered to towering piles. this leads to #3.
3. my studio is slimming down this year. it is time to either use the cool stuff i have collected or send it on its way.

here is the artful thursday challenge: pick a project you have been wanting to try or an idea that has been patiently waiting for just the right time. gather your materials, experiment a bit, and post about it. your post doesn't need to be a tutorial, just show us how your artful day went.
dig into all those cool treasures you have collected. then at the end of the year we will both have 52 cool things made out of stuff that would have just been otherwise hanging out in a dark box or suitcase. i love the idea...

hopefully you will think this is just the inspiration you need to live a more artful life and you will take the artful thursday challenge. send me an email at and i will add your blog to the artful thursday blog list on my side bar reserved for the regulars.

or if you want to just post once in a while leave a link to your post in the comments section of the most recent artful thursday post so we can visit. here is my artful thursdays button made by my talented niece rachelle:

i thought of a few things that will help me get ready for thursday each week. pick up my sketchbook again and start writing and sketching ideas. one friend i talked to about this project said she was worried if she got digging through her stuff she would spend the whole day sorting. right, i can see myself doing the same thing so i plan to gather the supplies i will be using during the week so they are all ready on my desk thursday morning. also how about a little wednesday night straighten up in my studio. all that is left is to pick a time for thursday and plan not to answer the phone.

the inspiration:

i bought this sheer dress off the $5 rack from a vintage clothing store. it has gorgeous aqua flowers but the dress was stained and fraying beyond repair. i have kept it around thinking it would make the greatest little flowers. well today is the day especially after getting the january anthropologie catalog yesterday. love this sweater!

here is my collection of things i thought might be fun to use. circles cut from the vintage dress, an old wedding veil and some lovely silk. i also set out some glass beads, velvet flowers, thread, tinsel, and some funky old hair clips. (i bought all they had and have been storing them all ever since. that lady worries me.)

first step is to set up an old birthday candle and lightly melt the edges of your circles. this glitter bottle worked just as well as some sand and was handy.
any man made fiber will melt and curl: polyester, rayon, and nylon. natural fibers just burn and turn to ash. wool, cotton, and linen. burning plastic is toxic so ventilate.

the circle on the left is perfect, the circle on the right got cooked a bit too much and feels crunchy. each fabric will melt differently so experiment and plan for a bit of shrinkage.

here is the hair clip with the first two circle sewn on. sew around the clip several times to secure and use a dot of tacky glue if needed to hold in place. (no glue gun)

i even burned around the tulle a bit. hold the tiny circles in a set of tweezers to keep your fingers happy.

layer on a bit of tinsel, tulle, and more sheer flower petal layers.

here is how the silk burns. just rub the edges with your fingers to remove the ash.

sew on the tiny seed beads for the center. i like the blue thread in the taupe beads.

finished clip on a vintage music paper oval. try a bigger flower for your hair or a pin for a scarf. hope you will join me next week. julie


  1. lovely flowers . . . hmmm such a worth while prompt - I am going to give it a try but opt for the casual post - blog & notify! Thanks for the great idea.

    hope to see you in March at AF!

  2. it is romantic, i love it.

  3. i always love your step-by-steps.

  4. This sounds fun.
    Your flowers are lovely, I am inspired to start digging through my old purchases and see what I can come up with next week.
    Cari B.

  5. what a great little tutorial this is! The creations are so very sweet. This is very do-able... I would love to try this out.

    The prompt is very exciting. I may participate in a comment-in capacity. Looking forward to see what happens with it.

  6. Lovely pins!
    I do my art days Wed, but have been overwhelmed by custom orders (Not "my" stuff) so getting back into the swing of things sounds great!
    Thanks for the inspiration-I just may do it!

  7. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Beautifully done tutorial Julie! I love it.

  8. Anonymous6:20 AM

    beautiful! thanks for sharing!

  9. great inspiration to get things cleaned up & back on track. good tutorial, thanks for making it look so easy(you know, once you have all that cool stuff)I'll check in on your thursdays until I get to the place where I could play too.thanks for sharing!

  10. so lovely,

    I will be joining you for artful Thursday.

    Thursday have always been my favorite day of the week too. Love em'

    I am setting out this year to complete an art journal page each week.

  11. This sounds like fun, Julie! Thanks for the inspiration!!

  12. this is great - i love it!

  13. This is a great idea! I will join you sporadically. I went to sleep last night thinking about it. ;-)


  14. What a great idea! I too have *a lot* of treasures that need to be used or passed on. I'd love to participate when I can!!! :) Happy New Year!

  15. Wow I love it! I will have to do it casually though I think as I will never have enough time to do this every week. I was doing something similar last year and made it till the start of June before it all feel apart although have made a resolution to finish the project this year so at least i will have a full set of 52!

  16. I have been wanting to make some necklaces with fabric from some clothes that no longer fit me. These silk florettes will add a perfect touch.

  17. Thanks for the amazing inspiration! What a great way to start off 2010!! Love your style too...

  18. Just love it! What more is there to say

  19. This is a lovely idea, as all of yours always are. Thank you for sharing and suggesting that we join you. I made your little pouches, from you book, for Christmas gifts this year. Love your style.

  20. Great idea and gorgeous flowers...
    i'd like to try, but i would like to be a casual post. I have a couple of projects in the works, then i can
    play with this great idea. I could use this motivation to sort thru those extras! Thanxs~

  21. Those are great and what a nice collection you have. I sometimes I think I am an expert at collecting rather than making! I was hoping you were just selling all your stuff!

    Really, this is a super idea...I love the Wednesday night clean-up...haha! Most of all, I love what you did with that chiffon dress! That is so cool...down to the tag it is it!

    I think I need to find some raggedy chiffon dress (part of me longs to attack my daughter's vintage clothes collection in the go.) Goodwill, here I come.

    P.S. I, too, worry about that lady. She is too happy...
    I think she is on something!

  22. Super Super Lovely!
    What an exciting addition to your blog - I'll be looking forward to all the exquisite things you'll be coming up with!

  23. Hi Julie - Please count me in on the Thursday group (just saw your blog post) so cool!!

    Love, Elise

  24. Oh Julie...Thanks so much for doing this! I CANNOT wait!!!!

  25. Hi there!
    I just recently came across your etsy shop & blog...and I love your "artful thursdays" idea. Your flower pin is so pretty and I've always wondered about singing the edges of fabric like that! Can't wait to see more and craft along when I can! :)

  26. Artful Thursdays...what a wonderful idea! I love the supplies you began with and love even more the end result...thanks for the insight.
    Thank you!

  27. Anonymous1:35 PM

    I will not agree on it. I assume precise post. Specially the title attracted me to read the intact story.

  28. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Hi Julie, count me in! hugs Lilia

  29. I love these hair clips - my girls would love a set. I would love to be on your list of regulars...I love creating and when you are participating with more people it feels like a fun club you want to share fun ideas with. So please if there is still time count me in...


  30. This sounds like a great idea! I would love to be a part of your Artful Thursdays. I just started up on my blogging again, and this would be great for a Thursday post. Thanks for the inspiration!


  31. A good idea, will have to see if I can't catch up with you one Thursday as I am often at home that day. Love the tutorial for your flower clip.

  32. oo can't wait to try this! so sweet of you to share! of course i don't have this gorgeous blue stuff though!



  33. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Hola ive just joined[url=].[/url]

  34. ohmygoodness!
    i just discovered
    your thursday party
    and have to say,
    sign me up!! you
    are totally

  35. Just stumbled across your your posies. All your stuff is beautiful. :o)

  36. Anonymous11:31 AM

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  37. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Good post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you on your information.

  38. Anonymous8:52 PM

    hi everybody

    just signed up and wanted to say hello while I read through the posts

    hopefully this is just what im looking for looks like i have a lot to read.

  39. I love the turqoise thread lol.

  40. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I think your blog is presented very beautifully. Thank you. This is my first time on your blog. sincerely, mary

  41. Hello Julie
    I have just found your blog post (via Kids Napping I'm Scrapping link to your fab 'tiny books tutorial'. and then went on to find this). The clips are sooooo pretty, what a wonderful idea and brilliant tutorial. THANK YOU very much for sharing this.
    Fingers crossed I'll be able to find some time to get a chance to join in the fun.

  42. Wow that's easy and pretty!
