Monday, April 6

little peeps...

with easter only a week away i thought i would share these photos of my little peeps, some fancy eggs, and two tiny easter baskets i made.
this little chick is our tiny baby bantam hen 'oreo' she was so patient for the photo shoot... we have three little chicks in a box downstairs, talk about constant peeping. i love it when they cuddle up together and fall asleep.

i ordered a bunch of paper mache eggs from blumchens. they have such a gorgeous paper design inside. it was so easy to add a bit of paint and some of my favorite millinery flowers. i ended up making a whole basket of them!
for the photo i nestled them together in a vintage creamware dish with a bit of tissue paper garland from bethany lowe.

these tiny baskets are just the right size for a handful of chocolate treats. the first one is made from a vintage crocheted nut cup holder. i found a box of these at my antique store. gladys anderson kept them in an old cummings chocolates box. she crocheted a set of these and starched them to hold a little waxed dixie cup. the old paper cups were still in the box. how fun to fill with a tasty treat and pass around the card table for the ladies bridge night.
the second basket is made with a tiny box made from artist matt board cut and glued together. the vintage cotton chenille stem makes such a sweet handle tied on both ends with a bit of ribbon. happy easter wishes, julie