Friday, February 22

hand dyed silk velvet at art group last night....

last night at my art group we experimented with dyeing silk velvet. we mixed up 16 colors and dipped our little squares over and over again~ rinsing, mixing, dipping, squeezing, did i say dripping?
we all wore gloves {except Deb who has a blue left hand this morning} and aprons and our old
this morning the squares were all dry, lined up on my kitchen counter. 
the silk velvet is so luxurious and takes the color beautifully!  we had a wonderful

now i just get to dream up something to make with all this gorgeous color.
velvet strawberry pincushions are definitely on the list.
as well as some soft little bunny ears.

the silk velvet is actually made out of silk and rayon.  my favorite pieces were the ones where the silk dyed one color and the rayon dyed another.  the mix of the two colors looks just like a piece of perfectly aged vintage silk velvet.  i found an old silk drawstring beaded purse once that was falling apart, i bought it just
for the vintage velvet and have been hooked ever since...

this photo shows the two tone color effect where the velvet has been folded in half and rolled up.
notice the top left lavender piece that has a definite blue base color.

happy weekend,

Tuesday, February 19

spun cotton springtime bride and groom...

a little couple to welcome this lovely spring day~
it is coming...
i even heard a bit of birdsong on my walk yesterday....
spun cotton mint green groom has a tiny bow tie and pink top hat!
the sweet little bride has a vintage millinery flower and tulle bow.

all dressed up for the big day.
wouldn't these be sweet in a little Easter basket~
just had to share what was making me smile today,

Wednesday, February 6

some bunny has been sleeping in my bed...

look who snuck in when i went to lunch today...
some bunnies were sleeping in my tiny doll house bed.

my daughter has been staying with us while her cutie husband is on a military deployment.  we have been
having such fun.  she loves to make things just like me.  today she made fresh gingerbread~
oh my!

she has been crocheting these tiny bunnies with the baby merino wool yarns i gave her for her birthday.
i talked her into putting a couple of them in my shop!  yipee!
you can order one here~

all together in the parlor...

white bunny always hogs the armchair...

handmade pom pom tails...

sleepy brown bunny gets my favorite tiny chair.

bunnies measure a wee 2 1/2 inches tall {ears included}

i am so ready for spring, aren't you~

Monday, February 4

send a little ℒℴѵℯ.…♥….ℒℴѵℯ

Hot Pink Raspberry White Chocolate Ganache French Macarons

lovely french macarons from LeBonBonLA . .

send something sweet in the mail,  its the perfect
way to start out your first monday in february.

send a little ℒℴѵℯ...   why not?
all these items are on etsy this morning~

Valentine Trimmings Pink and Gold Little Gift Wrapping Kit

 pink and gold valentine kit from Vintage Handmade .

Silver Envelope Necklace Removable I Love You Letter

silver envelope necklace by PaperFaceStudio

Satin Wedding Corsage

canine corsage by CharlieHeartsDiesel

all you need is love canvas
daily reminder by notsoblankcanvas

i love you hand painted stones
and from OneDecember these hand painted stones.

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