Wednesday, November 15

florida still life

i spent the weekend in florida with my mom and two sisters. it was an absolutely perfect couple of days wandering the beaches, kayaking the intercoastal

waterways, exploring myaka state park and talking late into the night together.
with three of us snapping photos we have such great pictures of our trip. these are a few still pictures i took of the cool things at the house of kris and chris and of the treasures i gathered at the beach.

Thursday, November 2

Hallows Eve

It was a dark and spooky night. . .
all the ghouls and goblins were about

after a full week of decorating, parties, dressing up, and dry ice bubbling in cauldrons we finally celebrated Halloween Night with costumes, candy and a big pot of homemade soup with breadsticks. It was our best Halloween ever!
unfortunately, halloween is now 363 days away.